Mary Mascher

Iowa House, District 86

Name: Mary Mascher

Office: Iowa House

District: 86

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?

Retired School Teacher and Elementary Counselor

Direct payments would help Americans through this pandemic marked by high unemployment and closed businesses, and is supported by a majority of Americans. Do you support immediate recurring federal direct payments to all US citizens to last through the duration of the pandemic?


If your answer to the previous question was YES, at what level would you set these direct payments?

$1,000/mo for all adult citizens

Do you support the implementation of a permanent federal universal basic income?


If your answer above was YES, at what level would you set a universal basic income?

Other: Not sure of the exact amount and how it would be paid for at this time.

Do you support the implementation within Iowa of the use of Ranked Choice Voting in all state-run primary and general elections?


Do you support the use of Ranked Choice Voting within your party to choose nominees in a primary election?


Do you support allowing the use of Ranked Choice Voting by other political parties to choose their nominees in state-run primary elections?


Do you support giving voters "Democracy Dollars", publicly funded vouchers that they can use to finance the campaigns of their choice, as a way to counteract the influence of corporate lobbies on election finance?


Do you support the creation of a more human-centered economy, where our economic metrics are defined not just by GDP, the stock market, and outdated unemployment formulas, but by signs of our actual progress, such as health, mental health, childhood success rates, income inequality, rates of entrepreneurship, and environmental sustainability?


Do you support Iowa adopting laws to give Iowans more control over the personal information that businesses collect about them, such as was done by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018?


In both the 2019 and 2020 Iowa legislative sessions, critical voting and election measures were passed by late-night amendments, with curtailed debate, and passed along party lines. If you are elected to state or federal legislature can we count on you to oppose back-handed actions like these?


Would you be interested in receiving the endorsement of Andrew Yang and allied organizations in the current campaign or in any future campaigns that you may run?


Are there any comments you would like to add on the subjects of this questionnaire?

I wish you had included questions on Childcare, Mental Health Service, and Clean Water and Green Energy.